We regret having to take some trees where the addition to our home will be located.
When we consulted with John Marquis of Marquis Tree Service we made it clear that we wanted to save any tree that was not absolutely required to be taken.
Once the project is complete, we will plant appropriate trees to replace the number that were taken.
The Marquis process was amazing to watch.
There were six men working with two trucks, a big chipper, and an enormous crane that must be 20 stories tall.
For the medium trees, the workman would go up on the crane, tie the harness at the top, then rappel down. Then he would cut the tree and the entire thing would be lifted and moved over to the chipper. The entire process for a medium tree took about ten minutes.
The large oak tree on our property came down in about half an hour. They cut half the top and then removed it with the crane. Then the other half. And the entire base went last.
We saved several cuts from the large oak that we will install in our new entrance hall.